Personalized Groomsmen Gifts – Three Types of Gift Items for Men

Do you need the hottest and new personalized groomsmen gifts? Are you searching for unique gift items for each of your groomsmen? Then do not look further as what you need to look for is discussed on this page! Here are the best choices that you can consider!

Like bridesmaids, groomsmen deserve some treats from the groom. They are chosen because they have each a special place in your life. They can be your childhood best friends, high school buddies, brothers or trusted colleagues. No matter what your relation is, a groom has to make sure his guys get something personal from him too. The choices of gift items for groomsmen below are categorized into three major groups. They are everyday items, grooming and hygiene items, and survival items.

Grooming and Hygiene

Three of the ideal items for hygiene and grooming for men are enlisted down. These are the shaving kit, cufflinks and pocket square and monogrammed handkerchief. All of them are cool and famous gift items but consider what your friends need as of the moment.

1. Shaving Kit

One of the very common personal things of men is a shaver. Grown-up men need this particular item to make them look young, stay clean and neat. That’s why it is a great and practical choice to have a shaving kit as your groomsmen gift. It must contain a set of razor, a few bottles of shaving cream and a towel. To make this categorized as personalized groomsmen gifts, have them all packed in a handy purse for men with their names embroidered.

2. Cufflinks

Another famous gift item for groomsmen is a pair of cufflinks. It has been tradition to use cufflinks as personalized groomsmen gifts. They accessorize the wedding suits of each chosen groomsman. Yet, they are not just tiny bits of buttons that can complement the tuxedo but a representation of who they are into the life of the groom. So, when you select cufflinks ensure that they are very unique and customized.

3. Pocket Square

A pocket square is also a stylish item to give to each of your groomsmen. This can add high fashion to their suit on your wedding day. You just have to match it with the style and color of the entire wedding attire.

4. Monogrammed Handkerchief

Handkerchief for men is among the best selling and common personalized groomsmen gifts. This can be customized with anything you want to put on the linen. You may have their initials monogrammed along with the title “groomsman” or “best man” and the date of your wedding.

Everyday Useful Items

Some items can be used more than once. These are not just for keepsake but also for regular usage. Among the best choices for groomsmen are mugs, wine glass, fountain pen and money clip.

1. Beer Mug or Glassware

Generally, most men are beer and wine drinkers. So, what’s the best common item you can give to your buddies than glasses for their favorite wine or beer? A beer mug or glassware is definitely a great choice for your groomsmen. Plus, glasses are easy to personalize with their first names and title as “groomsmen” on your most special wedding event.

2. Coffee Mug

A mug for coffee is also a good choice of wedding gift from the groom. You may personalize it too with the names of your groomsmen and some note which they can remember throughout their lifetime or at least until the mug is still not broken. Many coffee mugs are personalized groomsmen gifts which are sold in a variety of stores nowadays so there is no difficulty finding cool ones.

3. Fountain PenImage Source : sonict

Also a traditional gift item for wedding events, a fountain pen is a very useful to keep. This is quite a luxury and not just an ordinary pen. There are probably buddies of yours who have high positions in their offices and this one can be ideal to use. Besides, a lot of fountain pens offered these days are considered as personalized groomsmen gifts.

4. Money Clip

A money clip is one new item that is becoming a favorite gift for groomsmen these days. While women like to keep their bills in a wallet, men prefer to clip them and put it inside their pocket. Well, this particular gift item is a great choice for your groomsmen. What’s more is that modern money clips have spaces to keep credit cards and IDs too.

Survival Kit

Men like to have masculine items such as for survival purposes. If you like your groomsmen to feel and look like real men, give them a pocket knife, a sports bag, a cooler bag or a barbecue grill set. Believe it or not, they are also regarded as personalized groomsmen gifts. Yes, you can surely customize them to give some personal touch.

1. Pocket Knife

A pocket knife becomes handy in many ways. Whether the circumstance is for emergency or not, a knife that can be kept right in the pocket is a good item to hand out to each of your closest buddies. This is compact and can be customized that’s why it is an ideal gift you may absolutely consider.

2. Sports Bag

Most men are working out whether they go to the gym or just run some miles in the woods. You do not need to ask each one of your groomsmen just to make sure they need this kind of bag. They do need it which they can also use for other uses like for traveling. It is certainly a very useful item that you can give out to them.

3. Cooler Bag

If not sports bag, a cooler bag is also a very excellent choice. You can have these taken as personalized groomsmen gifts by adding a tag with their names and some details of your wedding on it. This can be used for working out, picnic, road trip and holiday vacation. Still, it is an excellent choice because of its function.

4. Barbecue Grill Set

There are soft sides to every man whether you admit it or not. One of those secrets they have is cooking or rather grilling. With that said, have them a set of barbecue grill utensils which are contained in a handy bag. Each of your friends is surely going to spend more time in their own backyard partying and serving people with the use of this kit.

All these cool and personalized groomsmen gifts are good choices. It may be difficult for you not to choose as they make good use to your buddies. Well, you have to narrow down your option by finding out what most of your friends need under various circumstances. Whatever you pick out, be sure to have the items customized to keep them remember your wedding as a very special event wherein they have big roles participated in. Do not worry about the financial aspect of this particular groom assignment as most of these items are sold in affordable prices. All you need to do is to research and compare choices to meet your budget and suit the needs of your men.


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