Best Man Toast – The Speech of a Good Friend

You are recently asked to be the best man, and this is not bad for you. It just means that the couple, particularly the groom, has enough trust and belief in you. You are one of the best and most important people in their lives because they give you a role that is limited to only a few people. You have to be thankful that you are chosen as the best man for their wedding. That is a huge privilege that makes you feel humbled. Likewise, being a best man involves some challenges. One of them is to deliver the best man toast, which is a speech that has to be given some serious considerations.

Image Source: Groucho

Giving a wedding speech is one way to entertain the guests. If you are not a member of the wedding band, you have to speak to get the attention of the audience. If you are not a DJ, there is a chance for you to be the master of the dance floor. Yet, you are expected as the best man who has to render his own version of wedding speech. It is through the speech that you can entertain the audience and the newlyweds.

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Obviously, it is one of your several tasks to create a wedding toast for you are the best man. Delivering a wedding speech and toast is actually one of the most waited scenes of this special celebration. Having said that, you are responsible, as the best man, to keep the occasion lively, memorable and fun. You must not divert the mood of the environment with a boring speech.

Image Source: Russell

Like other wedding speeches, you must first introduce yourself as not only the best man but your actual relation to the couple. Right after that, you welcome and thank everybody. This is always how you start a wedding speech. It takes two to three sentences only. That means do not stay long introducing yourself or welcoming the audience.

Image Source: Glen

Because this is a special event of the couple do not mention anything they don’t want to hear. Things that are not necessary to say, narrate or expose are what you have to avoid mentioning during your speech. What you merely have to focus on are the good and positive ones. For example, the first time you find out about them as a couple. Another example is the time the groom confided in you about his proposal. Just having a part or knowledge about their relationship is what you can say when delivering the best man speech. So, don’t try to hurt their feelings or ruin their most special day. It is much better and safer if you ask the permission and approval of the groom first before writing anything about them. Just get any clues of what you may say and avoid.

Image Source: Dave

The last part of the best man speech is where the literal toast happens. You grant the groom and his bride best wishes and happiness as you close the speech with a heart-warming toast. If you care enough, it won’t be bad to provide an advice or two. It is just one way that you want to tell them how you appreciate and support their relationship. This is a good move that you can add to your speech because it shows that they are right about picking you as their best man.

There are times that some best men are afraid to give heartfelt memories or show their soft side because they do not want to start the tears. Plus, it is not likely for most men to get emotional unless they are the groom. In the case of a best man, it is impossible to be sentimental even during his speech. However, you must not be afraid to be vulnerable. It is not bad at all to share something sentimental, romantic or emotional. As long as you are providing positive and heartfelt memories that are related to the couple, it is a welcome thought to consider.

In contrast, showing your humor is one thing that you must think when you prepare a speech. You may not be a funny person but every individual has their own way of being funny. You can add a funny quote, a joke or a story that is somewhat hilarious. Take note that you must not give humor so you can humiliate or offend anyone. Most importantly, do not try to embarrass the groom or his bride. By adding positive funny words, jokes and quotes in your wedding toast you can avoid hurting them in their special event.

Another thing that you should remember about creating a wedding speech and toast is the timing. You need to make it ahead of time, probably weeks before the wedding day of your friend. This gives you enough time to research of some examples of best man speech if you need to. It also provides you some chances to rehearse it in front of a few individuals. Rehearsing your best man toast can also help you get the much needed confidence to deliver it with good posture, gesture and ease.

As a dedicated best man, you must take this simple thing as a serious one. You will only learn that it is not that easy to prepare a wedding speech unless you experience it. So, give yourself some time and encouragement that you can complete it on time.


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