How to Create a Personal and Funny Bride Speech

As the bride, there will be tons of eyes pointing at you. You simply do not just want to be recognized because of your beautiful, long white gown. You want to be seen as who you are for sure. If you have been charming, funny and sweet, it is not yet a formal event where you won’t show that. Being yourself on your wedding day is what most people are looking forward too. Now, you do your part not only by being friendly to everyone, keep your most genuine smile and act gracefully. You can also showcase that through your wedding speech. Yes, you are expected to provide a speech that can entertain, inform and make the hearts of your listeners melt down. What this means is that you must give a good impact to each and every audience, most especially your groom, who is going to be your official husband by then.Image Source :Kris

How to make your wedding speech funny and memorable for your groom and guests? As the star of the night, you are unquestionably anticipated by wedding attendees, including your family and friends, to deliver a wedding speech. Like any other speeches, the bride wedding speech should be funny and full of memories. Your speech includes a lot of things although it has to be presented short but sweet. Extending your thanks to all your participants is one of them. That can cover the bridesmaids, maid of honor, groomsmen, best man, the father and mother of the groom, as well as your own parents. Each and everyone invited to your wedding are special to you and to your groom. This is your time to make them special, most particularly your parents and even those relatives or friends who travel for a long distance just to make it on your wedding.

It can be really emotional to give a wedding speech which may break someone’s heart until tears are starting to drop. Well, that must not be the case all throughout you give your bride speech. It should also have jokes, funny quotes and entertaining stories which must be all related to the occasion, to your life and relationship. It is very important that in speeches there should be humor, but not in every sentence or paragraph. Just have two or three interesting and funny things to say would be ideal in a bride speech.Image Source :makelessnoise

Funny jokes and quotes can make your guests entertained. Remember, you are there standing to entertain your guests, and just generally have fun. Funny jokes can sometimes ruin or make the feelings of some people offended or hurt. With that said, do not go beyond the limit of using jokes and humor. They must not be too much to take so you cannot make anyone feel disgusted, embarrassed or humiliated.

Aside from that, your wedding speech must be short and direct to the point. Some guests cannot handle a long wedding speech. So, it is important to deliver your speech in around five minutes only. Don’t let your guests feel bored during your wedding speech, because if they have to anticipate it then they must be able to enjoy it. So, try your best to make your speech perfect if possible by entertaining them through little funny jokes and other interesting contents. You can add the experience of your bridesmaid, maid of honor or even the groom himself when they are rehearsing or preparing wedding stuffs.Image Source :edenpictures

You can also share your first reaction when your groom asked you to marry you and you had the biggest mouth for 20 seconds of your life. Anything that can make your audience giggle, smile and laugh would indicate something reflected from your personality.

Well, it is also important to make your wedding speech completed in advance. This gives you a lot time to edit and practice it so when the time to deliver it in front of dozens of audience and before your “now-officially-called husband”, you have the confidence, pride and happiness to share everything you have in mind. A wedding speech must be able to get the attention of your family, friends and guests, including the groom.


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